In the previous post we saw the average of three numbers. Now, we will see how to square of a number in C.

Basic Data Type:- int, char, float, double

int Datatype:- Its an integer datatype .Its of 2 bytes .Its range is −32,768 to 32,767.

char Datatype:-Its an character datatype. Its of  1 byte. Its range is -128 to 127 .

float Datatype:-Its for floating point numbers. Its of  4 byte.

double Datatype :-Its for large floating point numbers .Its of 8 byte

Code for square of a number :-

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


    int n1,square;

    printf("Enter a number");



    printf("The square of the number is %d ",square);

    return 0;




2.Declare a variable called n1 which is known as  number.

3.Get the input for the n1 variable using scanf statement by using "%d" specifier .

4.Declare a square variable where we will multiply the n1 variable with a n1 variable .

Explanation:-Since its square we have to multiply the number * number.

5.Finally print using the statement  "The square of a number is " and print the square variable 



1.Code Screenshot:-

2.Output Screenshot:-

In the next blog we will see about calculating simple interest in C.